Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. (Psalm 143:10)
The Scriptures begins with "Teach me to do your will" Why would the Psalmist say this? Because he loves it! As Christ followers we have to LOVE the will of God! The will of God is tough for many of us. The will of God isn't always our will. In fact I find more often that it isn't. That is because we are all depraved. Depravity is an acknowledgement that the Bible teaches that as a result of the fall of man (Genesis 3:6) every part of man—his mind, will, emotions and flesh—have been corrupted by sin. In other words, sin affects all areas of our being including who we are and what we do. So in short what you want or what I want is more than likely WRONG. We are all born with this sin nature to want the wrong thing. I have learned this first hand by my two sons!!! I don't believe this babies home has taught them to get mad and cry and not want to share! Oh my they are selfish!!! They are selfish just like their mom and dad and probably you too! As anybody knows, a parent knows what's best for their child. Timothy doesn't know just yet that I know better that it is good for him to share. I pray one day he understands and comes to the point where he knows I want what's best for him. He could feel that way because he has been forgotten by earthly people his entire life. But you and I as Christ followers we know He has never forgotten us. Often as Christ followers we take a long time to realize that. When we want something and God says no we sometimes think he just means later. Well often he actually just means plain NO. Well what if we don't like it or it doesn't fit our plan. Dry it up!(as my dad use to say) get over it He knows best! I have been a bit surprised at the many people here who have said, "after you get the boys home the Lord is going to give you your own" hmm, if these boys aren't going to be mine when we get home then whose are they going to be? I would be lying if I said I didn't hope the Lord would give us "our own" at one time. But now more than ever I truly want what He wants forever. "He must increase, I must decrease" In order for that to happen we have to LOVE the will of God! Understand He is always looking out for our best interest. God is only glorified when His will is carried out. I am absolutely in love with the will of God! Let me ask you again, are you?
Our Journey to Uganda
the BOYS

Friday, February 25, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The Eagle has landed!!!
Well actually we didn't ride on an eagle but the plane landed safe and sound! That was one stressful flight! As we checked in OKC they charged me for $110 extra for two of our 4 bags! After I paid the fee we had some time to kill before the plane left so I went to Delta's website and was reading about bag fees and discovered I should not have been charged! It says for "flights to Europe" you are only allowed 1 bag each.
So.....I made my way back to the counter with I-phone in hand to show him his website. He then told me in a condescending voice "Sir it says right here while traveling to Europe you pay a extra $55 each bag over 1 a piece" So.... I with maybe a hint of sarcasm in my voice "well it turns out Africa isn't in Europe Sir" So he credited my check card back! Well that simple mistake actually led to our bags "ending" in Amsterdam!!! We are not ending in Amsterdam!!! When we got to Atlanta I asked the gate clerk to get my bags rechecked to Africa. They said no problem, that they would retrieve the bags and re tag them. Well for whatever reason they only could find two of them and that I would have to claim my other two in Amsterdam and recheck them. We had a 2 hr layover there. It was actually pretty easy. I had to go through customs in Amsterdam which consists of me walking past a scary looking lady. That's all no questions or bag checks. Anyway I got them checked and back in the airport and time to kill waiting on plane to Africa!
We arrived in Africa and I saw "PORTER" on this big sign. Hmm, that's nice I'm the only one with a welcome sign. As you might know that sign meant 2 of my bags didn't make it. That are suppose to be here tonight on the KLM 8:15 flight!
It was Julie's bags!!! So as I type, she is wearing a borrowed long wrap around type African skirt and one of my XL t-shirts tied in the back (80's style) but she looks beautiful!
But let me tell you even from her ALL IS WELL because we are about an hour from seeing our boys for the first time!!!
We will try to post updates often,
So.....I made my way back to the counter with I-phone in hand to show him his website. He then told me in a condescending voice "Sir it says right here while traveling to Europe you pay a extra $55 each bag over 1 a piece" So.... I with maybe a hint of sarcasm in my voice "well it turns out Africa isn't in Europe Sir" So he credited my check card back! Well that simple mistake actually led to our bags "ending" in Amsterdam!!! We are not ending in Amsterdam!!! When we got to Atlanta I asked the gate clerk to get my bags rechecked to Africa. They said no problem, that they would retrieve the bags and re tag them. Well for whatever reason they only could find two of them and that I would have to claim my other two in Amsterdam and recheck them. We had a 2 hr layover there. It was actually pretty easy. I had to go through customs in Amsterdam which consists of me walking past a scary looking lady. That's all no questions or bag checks. Anyway I got them checked and back in the airport and time to kill waiting on plane to Africa!
We arrived in Africa and I saw "PORTER" on this big sign. Hmm, that's nice I'm the only one with a welcome sign. As you might know that sign meant 2 of my bags didn't make it. That are suppose to be here tonight on the KLM 8:15 flight!
It was Julie's bags!!! So as I type, she is wearing a borrowed long wrap around type African skirt and one of my XL t-shirts tied in the back (80's style) but she looks beautiful!
But let me tell you even from her ALL IS WELL because we are about an hour from seeing our boys for the first time!!!
We will try to post updates often,
Saturday, January 22, 2011
We are the worst bloggers ever!
Ok, where do I begin. So much has happened since our last post and time is just flying by. So here's an update with inadequate details.
Matt returned from Africa a little disheartened as this process was a lot more difficult and different than we had anticipated. He was able to visit several babies homes and meet with our attorney and make really good contacts, however it seemed that there were few children "adoptable." With Uganda having more orphans than any other place we assumed there would be plenty available, however that wasn't the case as children were either being investigated, spoken for, or just tied up in the system. When Matt was in Africa he only "met" with two children one named Paul and then one on the last day named Timothy. He met with Paul towards the beginning of the trip which was strange because how do you meet with a child and say "yes" or "no". At the time we were told he was three which was older than what we were looking for so we told our attorney to keep looking for a child two or under. On the last day Matt was in country, he returned to Nsambya Babies home which is where Paul was and met a child named Timothy who they said was probably "adoptable" and under two. After Matt returned we had contact with the case worker and soon discovered Timothy's investigation was coming to an end and he was available for adoption. I had been looking at pictures and videos of Matt with his visit with Paul and really feeling that God had provided both of these boys for us. After much prayer and seeking, we decided that we would adopt both boys, Paul, who is actually two and a half and Timothy who just turned two on January 19th, or atleast that is the date we picked for his birthday. SO...........here is where we are now in this process. We are basically just waiting for a court date. Our attorney turned in all of our paperwork to the judge and we hoped we would have a date by last week. However we should this next week. I am hoping that we will be flying over to pick up our boys next month as I know each day that goes by I am missing out on them growing and memories we could have shared. I pray for them everyday! It is so weird to me that Matt has met and held them both and I haven't yet. It is so weird how much I already love them. I have been so anxious and have tried to keep myself busy by getting stuff ready for them. We have their beds and bedding and a few clothes and toys, but still need ALOT! Their room is decorated in sports stuff of course. We have our first shower at the church this weekend so I think I will feel better after that so I will know what else we need....and hopefully we will have a court date too so I know when we need everything by. This process has been so great and has gone by soo fast. I truly feel so blessed. I mean it hasn't even been 5 months since we found out we couldn't have children. I am just so excited to meet my kids and hold them and bond with them and be the best mom I can be. You know it's funny how much adoption is like having your own child....the anticipation of meeting them, holding them, seeing their personality, etc. I wouldn't change this for the world. I can't wait to be a momma to these little boys! Bring on the adventure!
I apologize for this being somewhat of a confused ramble, as this post is long overdue and lacking many details. I truly plan to be better at keeping everyone informed....and because I want to remember all these details as it is a testimony to God's love for us! Please keep praying for us and our boys! I'll be posting pics soon or you can see them on our facebook pages.
Matt returned from Africa a little disheartened as this process was a lot more difficult and different than we had anticipated. He was able to visit several babies homes and meet with our attorney and make really good contacts, however it seemed that there were few children "adoptable." With Uganda having more orphans than any other place we assumed there would be plenty available, however that wasn't the case as children were either being investigated, spoken for, or just tied up in the system. When Matt was in Africa he only "met" with two children one named Paul and then one on the last day named Timothy. He met with Paul towards the beginning of the trip which was strange because how do you meet with a child and say "yes" or "no". At the time we were told he was three which was older than what we were looking for so we told our attorney to keep looking for a child two or under. On the last day Matt was in country, he returned to Nsambya Babies home which is where Paul was and met a child named Timothy who they said was probably "adoptable" and under two. After Matt returned we had contact with the case worker and soon discovered Timothy's investigation was coming to an end and he was available for adoption. I had been looking at pictures and videos of Matt with his visit with Paul and really feeling that God had provided both of these boys for us. After much prayer and seeking, we decided that we would adopt both boys, Paul, who is actually two and a half and Timothy who just turned two on January 19th, or atleast that is the date we picked for his birthday. SO...........here is where we are now in this process. We are basically just waiting for a court date. Our attorney turned in all of our paperwork to the judge and we hoped we would have a date by last week. However we should this next week. I am hoping that we will be flying over to pick up our boys next month as I know each day that goes by I am missing out on them growing and memories we could have shared. I pray for them everyday! It is so weird to me that Matt has met and held them both and I haven't yet. It is so weird how much I already love them. I have been so anxious and have tried to keep myself busy by getting stuff ready for them. We have their beds and bedding and a few clothes and toys, but still need ALOT! Their room is decorated in sports stuff of course. We have our first shower at the church this weekend so I think I will feel better after that so I will know what else we need....and hopefully we will have a court date too so I know when we need everything by. This process has been so great and has gone by soo fast. I truly feel so blessed. I mean it hasn't even been 5 months since we found out we couldn't have children. I am just so excited to meet my kids and hold them and bond with them and be the best mom I can be. You know it's funny how much adoption is like having your own child....the anticipation of meeting them, holding them, seeing their personality, etc. I wouldn't change this for the world. I can't wait to be a momma to these little boys! Bring on the adventure!
I apologize for this being somewhat of a confused ramble, as this post is long overdue and lacking many details. I truly plan to be better at keeping everyone informed....and because I want to remember all these details as it is a testimony to God's love for us! Please keep praying for us and our boys! I'll be posting pics soon or you can see them on our facebook pages.
Monday, November 8, 2010
For Such a Time As This
God's perfect timing....
It might seem strange for you to hear that when Matt and I found out that it is unlikely (i use this word because I know all things are possible) that we will have our own children, that we were comforted. However, that's exactly what it was. I felt so wierd. In a moment I would have expected to be crying my eyes out, I was actually rejoicing. Here's the back story that may help you understand a little more.
As Matt said previously, we had been trying to get pregnant over the past several years and were unsuccessful. Within the last year, we had started getting some testing done and trying every "method" including taking temperature, fertility monitors, etc. with no outcome. The doctor said all of our tests were normal and everything looked good from the outside and that this would probably be something easy to fix as there are so many options for infertility these days. We had come down to the step where I had to have a procedure done where they check and see if my fallopian tubes are blocked, since all of our other testing was good. After this procedure, I get a call from the doctor saying that one of my tubes is completely blocked, but with fertility meds, I still have a great chance of getting pregnant. After a few days, I get another call from the doctor saying that she got the report of the test from the radiologist and he thinks BOTH tubes are completely blocked....this changes things, but things are still hopeful. My doctor sets me up with a specialist to discuss further treatment options. I was so nervous and excited for this appointment because I knew we would finally have a plan and an answer. I had no idea what I was in for that day. Matt and I are waiting in the lobby of the doctors office and it seems like everyone is getting called back before us. In the lobby is the cutest little African boy (not african american) who is probably about 2 years old (sounding familiar) playing and laughing and keeping us entertained while we wait. God has great foreshadowing :). We finally get called back and the doctor brings us back to his office and starts to tell us about himself. He is the top guy in his field, he knows his stuff, he has tons of experience, and he is a straight shooter. So here is the news...............................
"Both of your tubes are completely blocked. I can do surgery to repair them, but this is not very successful and on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the worst damage, yours are an 8 which means they can more than likely not be fixed. The only realistic option if you want to get pregnant is in vitro. There is only a 60% success rate with this procedure and yours is decreased because of your condition. This is an extremely expensive and taxing procedure. If you choose to do in vitro, I will remove both of your fallopian tubes first to increase the chances of in vitro working. This is a big decision. Call me when you decide what you want to do." Now I know you are probably thinking, how is that comforting? Again it was the weirdest thing. We went in thinking there were tons of steps before in vitro and then we are practically slapped in the face with it. All I can say is in that moment, God revealed His perfect timing and all of the puzzle pieces came together that this whole time He was preparing us for such a time as this. I wasn't sad, I didn't cry (I cry at disney commercials), I was so overwhelmed with joy that God had showed me this perfect picture that he had created and had started so long ago and even into the lobby of the doctor's office! We had an answer and it was a beautiful answer! Without God's perfect timing, it would again as my husband said been devastating, but it wasn't. God is so good!
It might seem strange for you to hear that when Matt and I found out that it is unlikely (i use this word because I know all things are possible) that we will have our own children, that we were comforted. However, that's exactly what it was. I felt so wierd. In a moment I would have expected to be crying my eyes out, I was actually rejoicing. Here's the back story that may help you understand a little more.
As Matt said previously, we had been trying to get pregnant over the past several years and were unsuccessful. Within the last year, we had started getting some testing done and trying every "method" including taking temperature, fertility monitors, etc. with no outcome. The doctor said all of our tests were normal and everything looked good from the outside and that this would probably be something easy to fix as there are so many options for infertility these days. We had come down to the step where I had to have a procedure done where they check and see if my fallopian tubes are blocked, since all of our other testing was good. After this procedure, I get a call from the doctor saying that one of my tubes is completely blocked, but with fertility meds, I still have a great chance of getting pregnant. After a few days, I get another call from the doctor saying that she got the report of the test from the radiologist and he thinks BOTH tubes are completely blocked....this changes things, but things are still hopeful. My doctor sets me up with a specialist to discuss further treatment options. I was so nervous and excited for this appointment because I knew we would finally have a plan and an answer. I had no idea what I was in for that day. Matt and I are waiting in the lobby of the doctors office and it seems like everyone is getting called back before us. In the lobby is the cutest little African boy (not african american) who is probably about 2 years old (sounding familiar) playing and laughing and keeping us entertained while we wait. God has great foreshadowing :). We finally get called back and the doctor brings us back to his office and starts to tell us about himself. He is the top guy in his field, he knows his stuff, he has tons of experience, and he is a straight shooter. So here is the news...............................
"Both of your tubes are completely blocked. I can do surgery to repair them, but this is not very successful and on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the worst damage, yours are an 8 which means they can more than likely not be fixed. The only realistic option if you want to get pregnant is in vitro. There is only a 60% success rate with this procedure and yours is decreased because of your condition. This is an extremely expensive and taxing procedure. If you choose to do in vitro, I will remove both of your fallopian tubes first to increase the chances of in vitro working. This is a big decision. Call me when you decide what you want to do." Now I know you are probably thinking, how is that comforting? Again it was the weirdest thing. We went in thinking there were tons of steps before in vitro and then we are practically slapped in the face with it. All I can say is in that moment, God revealed His perfect timing and all of the puzzle pieces came together that this whole time He was preparing us for such a time as this. I wasn't sad, I didn't cry (I cry at disney commercials), I was so overwhelmed with joy that God had showed me this perfect picture that he had created and had started so long ago and even into the lobby of the doctor's office! We had an answer and it was a beautiful answer! Without God's perfect timing, it would again as my husband said been devastating, but it wasn't. God is so good!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Facts About Life In Uganda

We Better Get This Started
Well we are finally getting our blog together to keep everyone informed of our adoption journey. Forgive us as we are new bloggers, so our page is kinda lame right now.
Here is where we are currently. Our home study should be finished any day now. Now that we have a fire extinguisher in our house, we can adopt. Oh the funny things about homestudies. I plan to dedicate a post to the home study process later. Matt is leaving for Uganda in 9 DAYS! His main goals while he is there are to make connections with as many baby homes, orphanages, etc., as well as meet with our attorney who will be doing the adoption. Since our home study will be done, hopefully he can get a lot accomplished while he is there. We are planning to adopt a boy, two or under and possibly a sibling group. We are so excited to see who God picks to be our child/ren. I have been going through the "nesting" phase, getting our house cleaned out and the room ready. That is basically at a standstill now until we know more details. We are so excited to become parents and time is flying by....as it has been two months since our original post. Please keep us in your prayers through this process and for us to be sensitive to the Spirit in leading us in all our decision making. More posts and details to come! Thanks for your prayers!
Here is where we are currently. Our home study should be finished any day now. Now that we have a fire extinguisher in our house, we can adopt. Oh the funny things about homestudies. I plan to dedicate a post to the home study process later. Matt is leaving for Uganda in 9 DAYS! His main goals while he is there are to make connections with as many baby homes, orphanages, etc., as well as meet with our attorney who will be doing the adoption. Since our home study will be done, hopefully he can get a lot accomplished while he is there. We are planning to adopt a boy, two or under and possibly a sibling group. We are so excited to see who God picks to be our child/ren. I have been going through the "nesting" phase, getting our house cleaned out and the room ready. That is basically at a standstill now until we know more details. We are so excited to become parents and time is flying by....as it has been two months since our original post. Please keep us in your prayers through this process and for us to be sensitive to the Spirit in leading us in all our decision making. More posts and details to come! Thanks for your prayers!
Monday, August 30, 2010
He must Increase and I must decrease
An answered prayer!!! Julie and I have been trying to get pregnant for over 2 years now. After a long conversation with our fertility doctor, we have discovered that we are not able to have children. What I would have expected to be a huge burden and a devastating blow has turned out to be a warm blanket for our soul! We have felt for quite some time now that we would be adopting but wasn't sure on God's timing. Well God's time is NOW!!!
I would be lying if I said this was what I had planned for years. It's really not at all what I had planned. I wanted the American dream. I wanted the 2.3 kids and the golden retriever and live in a house on some acreage and grow old with my wife. I planned for Julie and I to have our own children one being a son who would be a basketball star and have a sub 2 minute FRAN! A daughter who looked just like my beautiful wife and would also play basketball on the D1 level and would want nothing to do with boys until she was 30. But that was MY plan clearly not God's.
I would confess that many times in my life I pursue "my plans". Sometimes I forget that the Man upstairs who built this whole thing, who created everything by himself and will shut her down when he chooses can probably handle the plans for my life! "He must increase and I must decrease"
So we're adopting!!! Clearly the first thing you do when you are adopting is... Start a blog! I am not a blogger and in fact this very blog will be filled with loads of punctuation errors, misspelled and made up words. Really we are starting this blog primarily for 2 reasons the first being we want to make sure we have record of this journey God has put us on and the second is we want to share this blessing with all of you.
Why international? Why Uganda? Why not DHS? Simply put God has laid Uganda on our hearts. I sure don't think that this is for everybody. I don't think it is some "Heroic" thing to adopt internationally. Frankly there our kids all over the world including here that need parents that will love them! It's just what we feel God has for us.
I do ask for your prayers, that through this process God would give us discernment. We want what He wants not what we want! "He must increase and I must decrease"
I would be lying if I said this was what I had planned for years. It's really not at all what I had planned. I wanted the American dream. I wanted the 2.3 kids and the golden retriever and live in a house on some acreage and grow old with my wife. I planned for Julie and I to have our own children one being a son who would be a basketball star and have a sub 2 minute FRAN! A daughter who looked just like my beautiful wife and would also play basketball on the D1 level and would want nothing to do with boys until she was 30. But that was MY plan clearly not God's.
I would confess that many times in my life I pursue "my plans". Sometimes I forget that the Man upstairs who built this whole thing, who created everything by himself and will shut her down when he chooses can probably handle the plans for my life! "He must increase and I must decrease"
So we're adopting!!! Clearly the first thing you do when you are adopting is... Start a blog! I am not a blogger and in fact this very blog will be filled with loads of punctuation errors, misspelled and made up words. Really we are starting this blog primarily for 2 reasons the first being we want to make sure we have record of this journey God has put us on and the second is we want to share this blessing with all of you.
Why international? Why Uganda? Why not DHS? Simply put God has laid Uganda on our hearts. I sure don't think that this is for everybody. I don't think it is some "Heroic" thing to adopt internationally. Frankly there our kids all over the world including here that need parents that will love them! It's just what we feel God has for us.
I do ask for your prayers, that through this process God would give us discernment. We want what He wants not what we want! "He must increase and I must decrease"
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